Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Pros and Cons of Group Assignments

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I guess last week was the week of assigning group projects. I had two chapter presentations due.The first was for Health/Motor/Physical development (ECED3013) and the second was for Introduction to Exceptional Children (SPED3003). Like most things, one group turned out great and the other not so much. Realistically, especially when the professor assigns the groups, or they're chosen at random there may be more difficulties. It's hard when you don't know the people in your group well enough to know how they work and what type of people they are. Those 10 tips written by Francis Martinez should be common sense to college students or considered group project etiquette, but many people don't think the same and often there are issues. This article may give student's different ways to approach their next group assignment. As college students we understand life gets in the way and people miss classes, some people don't like to take initiative and some take too much authority, we have those who are lazy and those who just don't care, but how hard is it to meet each other in the middle? I like everything done a certain way (correctly and putting forth effort), I like to get started on work right away, I'm authoritative but also willing to let other people take the lead, and I find it difficult to speak up if someone isn't contributing. I would rather receive my own grade and be responsible for just my work, but sometimes in group projects you must pull someone else's weight. We all have different opinions on group projects, so here's a list of my pros and cons on the topic.


  •  work is divided
  •  don't have to present by yourself
  •  interesting/new ideas and perspectives
  •  develop strong communication skills  
  • unequal participation
  • conflict
  • time consuming
  • having to rely on others
  • grades may not be earned by everyone/freeriders
  • different personalities
  • communication/conflicting schedules 
How do you feel about group assignments?

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